summer is back. we couldn't be happier over here at the paff's. i love summer. the warm temperatures, sleeping with the windows open, my babies covered in coppertone and their sun kissed cheeks. everything is better in the summer. everything.
today we took advantage of the warm weather and went to meet our buds

and finn.

oh and their momma came too who happens to be my bud, surprising i know.
so anyway we decided to go over to a local park that has a sprinkler thingy playground (sorry i don't know that name for those things). however, being amazing plan ahead mommy's we neglected to check and see if the sprinkler thingy was open. it wasn't. whoops!
we decided to play at the regular park.

it was a little steamy so we decided happy meals and the sprinkler in my front yard would be a better idea.
we mommy's redeemed ourselves, for sure. especially with finny and noey. they loved it.

aren't those two just delicious? i can barely stand it.
oh and i almost forgot this
lady is giving away a
BOBA baby carrier and a
SLEEPY WRAP. so scoot on over there and enter to win. i love my
sleepy wrap and if you have a baby you need one!
ok, i am off to the gym. i have been slacking since vaca and i am getting mushy.