so we have decided to go cloth! honestly when i had Gracie four years ago i never thought i would cloth diaper. now that i have tried it and LOVE it, i wish i would have started a long time ago. yes it does require a little extra effort but believe me when i say, it is totally manageable!
when i decided to test it out i did a ton of research, to find the best diaper for us. i decided on pocket diapers. then i narrowed it down to either the fuzzibunz perfect size or bumgenious one size 4.0. after trying them out, i decided bumgenious 4.0 hook & loop is what works best for us. i am not to pleased with the fuzzibunz perfect size, they just don't seem to fit noah as well as the bumgenius. however, i am going to try the fuzzibunz one size and see what i think.
i am in love with the bumgenius. they are basically fool proof. they go on just like a disposable and the keep noah dry! i was nervous to see how they would hold up overnight since noah sleeps 12hrs and is usualy soaked from head to toe in the morning. but with the bungenius 4.0 and an extra hemp insert, he is dry as a bone every morning!
i am still building my stash but this is what i have so far.
-7 bumgenius 4.0 one size hook & loop-1 bungenious 4.0 one size snaps-1 fuzzibunz perfect size medium-3 fuzzibunz hemp inserts-2 kissinluv antibacterial pail liners- rockin green diaper detergenti need about 6 more diapers to be able to make through two days. that way i am not going crazy with cleaning them!
i am still getting into a routine but this is how i clean them. first i do a cold wash with no detergent. second i run a hot wash with detergent a soak and an extra warm rinse and go to bed. in the morning i throw all of my inserts into the dryer and hang the covers inside if it is raining or outside on my cloths line.
the best part is the money we will save. even with spending about $300.00 to build a stash and everything else needed to cloth diaper, that is a one time expense. where as now we spend at minimum $800.00 a year on disposables. so cloth diapering noah for the next year will save us $500.00, maybe more! if and when we use them with our next baby the savings will just keep adding up!
too me it was a no brainier once i realized how easy it was. plus, they are too cute!
happy sunday!