If you know me AT ALL, well I should say, if you KNEW me at all, you would know that I love(d) wearing sweatpants. I wore them anywhere and anytime. Believe me when I say anywhere. Joanna always gives me crap about this one time. I was in college and I was of course wearing sweatpants (Joanna will recall me saying that it was my "nicest sweatsuit"). A group of my friends were heading out to Metropolis, the club (which I do not enjoy), and I didn't think anything of it until we got there and someone decided to tell me that sweatpants were "frowned upon". I thought I looked better than most people with my matching puma pants and puma jacket and looked pretty harmless. Needless to say, they didn't let me in. I guess I wasn't fancy enough for them, or they thought I might start trouble, because I did notice them not letting people in with hats or big chains, you know, my type of people. It was their loss because they obviously didn't get my money and they didn't get to see me light up the dance floor.
That was my most memorable night with the sweatpants, I had never caused any trouble with them before so that will always stick out in my mind. That and the fact that Joanna will never let me forget it and tells anyone that hasn't heard the story yet.

(a picture with me in sweatpants, if you have any better ones, please share. I couldn't find any besides this one. Sheesh, look at that hair ... that is for another post some other day)
I also remember when I decided to stop wearing sweatpants out all the time and started wearing jeans. People were caught off guard and it took them a long time to get use to me not in sweatpants. I remember Nick Dunaway saying that I was one of the only ones that could pull off sweatpants and a collared shirt (Thanks Nick!).
I honestly believe if all my puma sweatpants didn't either get ink spilled on them, or holes in the knees, I would probably still be wearing them. Why not? They are amazingly comfortable and they look even better : D ... maybe I will bust some of them back out. I know I have at least one pair left.
But that is why when Joanna said the blog title, I said, "That's perfect!" I will be interested to hear why she thought of it for herself though ... I guess we shall see. Until next time.
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