The fun started on Saturday. We started the day by heading to my childhood fantasy world, Chuck E Cheese's. We went to the same one I use to go to as a child, the one out on Colerain. Even though it is the same location, they have definitely change the layout since I use to go. It is now completely open and all one room, you can see from wall to wall. Grace's eyes lit up when walked in the door and she kept saying, "I am at Chuck E Cheese, I am at Chuck E Cheese!" I was sad that for some reason the "show" that supposedly runs all day now, was not running at all. I remember having to wait till it came on at certain times when I was young, but I was told that it runs all day now. The hostess thought someone forgot to turn it on, but it was off the entire time we were there, which could have been a good or bad thing. I could see Grace being terrified of those machines.
We had a coupon that I got form signing up for their online newsletters. It was a $20 coupon for a large pizza, 4 drinks and 40 tokens, perfect for our family. We spend a similar amount when we eat at Chipotle and we don't even get to play any games! I think it is a great deal and will look to go back there more often.
One thing that I was very disappointed in was the lack of games that Grace could really play on her own. There was a TINY area with 2 or 3 games for her age and a small slide, but the majority of the games were for much older kids. There were a lot of driving games which she has no chance at playing, guitar hero, ski ball which she can't get the ball up the ramp or throws it 3 lanes over when trying to throw it like a baseball and of course there were games just to win tickets without any skill, just putting a coin in and watching it roll down the machine. We did find one game she liked, it was a bowling game. It was pretty fun and you could bowl 10 frames for 2 coins, so it was a lot of fun for not a lot of money. Luckily they have the tubes they can crawl in on the ceiling with the slide that she could do all day. It did give Joanna a little of an anxiety attack when she was up there since it is hard to see what is going on in those things.
The pizza was pretty much exactly how I remember it. Nothing great, but I think it is good, but I have never turned any pizza down. Joanna didn't seem to like it and Grace just wanted to get done eating so she could play some more.
The Dunaway's did meet up with us for the last half hour we were there. They gave us the idea of going as a reward for potty training. When Grace got home and pooped on the potty again, she said, "I guess we get to go to Chuck E Cheese's again!"
All-in-all it was a very successful trip and it was good to have a Grace day since most of the attention goes to Noah now-a-days. We will definitely be going back, even if it is just Grace and me going. I am sure Jeff would love to come with us :D
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