He definitely has some resemblance of his father, and that alone makes him so handsome and sweet : D.
He is starting to know what he wants and while moving around on the ground like a seal, he gets to where he needs to go. And recently, it has been on to my lap.
If I sit down on the floor, he will drag himself over and try pulling himself onto my lap, like a little doggy would, and then I help him up and turn him around so he can sit. Within a second he has his thumb in his mouth and is as relaxed as a man on a couch during Football Sundays.
He is quite a talker now, yet the only words we can understand are mama and the occasional da-da. His smile can melt anyone, even a complete stranger.
I love this boy more than I ever thought I could. I remember thinking to myself when we just had Grace, "How could I ever like someone as much as my little girl." Well, I have found out that it is pretty easy.
Awww I love my guys.