hi everyone! we had a great weekend laced with friends, fun and too many adult beverages ( i am still apologizing too myself for saturday night...) life is grand but busy.
some of you may know but others may not, i started my own
photography business about a month ago! i am super excited and a tiny bit surprised at how it has blown up. i am currently booked until the end of OCTOBER!
anyway, you may have noticed the lack of posts/pictures lately. i am sorry. i am working on finding balance in my life with my new found "career." since i started "working" and am away from my children more then i have every been, think 5hrs a week (hahah i know, "give me a break joanna!"). but for someone who is never and i mean
never away from her babies that is a
huge adjustment. my mommy guilt is in full force. so i have been only allowing myself to be "working" either while i drink my coffee in the morning or my kids are asleep.
if you know my kids, you know this only gives me roughly 3hrs a day to answer emails, make phone calls, edit pictures and not to mention all my normal housewife duties :).
i promise i will figure this out and i will be back to posting regularly just bare with me please while we adjust to my new and exciting adventure!
happy monday!