2. gracie is lovin' school!
she asks to go, almost everyday.
3.i was asked to be room mom for her class. yay! i always figured i would be a very involved parent so i might as well start now!
4. my kids fought over a baby wipe yesterday. yes you read that right a baby.wipe. not one of the many toys they have been gifted but essentially a wet nap used for cleaning butts (NO IT WAS NOT A USED WIPE).
5. while i miss my sass painfully while she is at school, it has been lovely to spend time with my noey baby.
6. speaking of noey baby, he is growing up so fast. he is talking a ton and walking all over the world :( i may have to change his nick name to noey "boy" because he is so close to losing the "baby" about him.
7. love my kids. love my hubby. love my life.
happy thursday
you guys are so cute! I can't wait to have some little ones of my own running around and excited for school :)