Today Gracie and I did our first art project of the week. Yes I know it's Thursday, what have I been doing all week that has kept me from coming up with cute crafts for my two year old and I. Well.... We went to the Children's Museum
TWICE, spent Tuesday morning and then had lunch with my grandma and grandpa, or as Gracie has dubbed them Grandma and Grandpa Candy (will explain in a later post), not to mention the normal cleaning, cooking, laundry that we do daily. Oh and we (when I say say we I mean the babies) spilled so much food/drink/unidentified liquids (gross) on our clothes that we took them off and had a nakey party!

How cute are these photos? Could you just die?! I am! Dieing to have another baby that is. Oh my Goodness did that just come out of my mouth!?!?!
Anyway, art projects. So we started out making a Easter bunny out of a paper plate. I know creative.

This took us all of five minutes to complete. Then Gracie said
"what do we do next? Paint?" Sure, we can paint.
*hint*hint* A old button up shirt makes a great smock.

So we painted...

and painted...

and painted until our paper was a beautiful master piece...

and all the paint went from this...

to this...
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