We are running out of ways to entertain ourselves confined within these dirty fingerprinted, Crayon stained walls! We can't wait to have picnics, go to the zoo, run through the sprinkler and slather ourselves with Baby Coppertone. Don't you just love the smell Of Coppertone? That smell is heaven on earth if you ask me.
Anyway, to keep ourselves from going crazy (when I say we I mean me) we have been taking advantage of our Children's Museum pass. We always have a good time at the museum. Noah is content to be strapped to my chest in the Sleepy Wrap (if you have or are having a baby you need to invest in one of these bad boys. It will CHANGE your life! Trust me.) Which leaves me free to follow and play with Gracie in all the great exhibits. We usually spend most of our time in the little town. Here is a video of her using her sweet little imagination in the nursery.
I would also like to start doing more art projects with Gracie. I don't mean just crayon and coloring book projects. I am talking full on glue sticks and pipe cleaner projects. My goal for this week is to do three of these fun crafts with her. I will let you know how it goes. Wish us luck!
P.s. Corey fixed it so anyone can leave a comment now. So comment away!