Saturday, September 25, 2010


gracie and the neighborhood kids are loving hopscotch right now. their interpretation of hopscotch is so cute.

and just because they are cute. and i love them. my babies.

happy weekend!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


1. noah woke up at 6am. i let him stay in his crib till 6:30am. i know i am mean.

2. gracie is lovin' school!
she asks to go, almost everyday.

3.i was asked to be room mom for her class. yay! i always figured i would be a very involved parent so i might as well start now!

4. my kids fought over a baby wipe yesterday. yes you read that right a baby.wipe. not one of the many toys they have been gifted but essentially a wet nap used for cleaning butts (NO IT WAS NOT A USED WIPE).

5. while i miss my sass painfully while she is at school, it has been lovely to spend time with my noey baby.

6. speaking of noey baby, he is growing up so fast. he is talking a ton and walking all over the world :( i may have to change his nick name to noey "boy" because he is so close to losing the "baby" about him.

7. love my kids. love my hubby. love my life.

happy thursday

Monday, September 20, 2010

behind the lense

hi everyone! we had a great weekend laced with friends, fun and too many adult beverages ( i am still apologizing too myself for saturday night...) life is grand but busy.

some of you may know but others may not, i started my own photography business about a month ago! i am super excited and a tiny bit surprised at how it has blown up. i am currently booked until the end of OCTOBER!

anyway, you may have noticed the lack of posts/pictures lately. i am sorry. i am working on finding balance in my life with my new found "career." since i started "working" and am away from my children more then i have every been, think 5hrs a week (hahah i know, "give me a break joanna!"). but for someone who is never and i mean never away from her babies that is a huge adjustment. my mommy guilt is in full force. so i have been only allowing myself to be "working" either while i drink my coffee in the morning or my kids are asleep.

if you know my kids, you know this only gives me roughly 3hrs a day to answer emails, make phone calls, edit pictures and not to mention all my normal housewife duties :).

i promise i will figure this out and i will be back to posting regularly just bare with me please while we adjust to my new and exciting adventure!

happy monday!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Gracie says part 5

while having a dance party on my bed this morning.

gracie: mommy don't dance yet!
me: why not?
gracie: because you have to wait until noey gets the beat!

a little back story before the rest gracie says -- gracie has a lot of new friends at preschool, most of which she knows their names. but there is one little girl gracie has dubed, "the pink girl." she chose this name for her because she was wearing pink and when gracie called her that the little girl (who was probably to shy to correct her) did not object.

as told to me by gracie's amazing, preschool teacher.

gracie: "the pink girl," do'ed that.
teacher: you mean sally*?
gracie: no, "the pink girl."
teacher: gracie her name is sally*.
gracie: no, she's "the pink girl!"

*name changed to protect the sweet and shy "pink girl."

Monday, September 13, 2010

bloggin' love

because my house is a mess and instead of cleaning while my kiddies napped, i slept :). today's post will be a short and sweet list of blogs i adore.....

enjoying the small things
- ok, this is my absolute favorite blog. she takes gorgeous pictures of her "littles" and the way she strings together words will have you checking her blog hourly for new posts!

blue bird vintage - i just recently started following bluebird. i am obsessed with her cool crafts and sweet little new baby. check it out!

l street and vine - this is actually my cousins blog (hi lizzy!!). once you take a peak you will be hooked. she is chronicling life after college and the fun and challenging things that go along with it. oh and she is super crafty and has the coolest style. i am super jel of her ability to spot a treasure at a thrift store or yard sale and turn it into something fabulous!


now i have to go clean my house.........

Friday, September 10, 2010



we like to start our weekends right after nap time on friday's. i find that if i tell myself its the weekend that the hairy time between 4-6pm, when you are trying to make dinner, the kids are nuts and you are counting the seconds until your better half returns from work, is a teeny tiny bit more barable.

we get fancy for our weekends.

gracie is always the princess

and poor noah is the duck prince.

i don't know what that is. gracie choose it for him.

we are spontaneous on weekends.

so, when corey got home from work we piled the kids, a cooler with beer (shhhhhh don't tell) and juice boxes into the car picked up pizza and headed to the park for some fun with our buds.

there was lots of kiddie races.

and dirty faces.
(i am cute i rhymed (: ).

it was fun. it was one of those evenings when i look at my family and say, "i love this life."

happy weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

'round here

the weather 'round here has been pretty amazing. we earned it! the past few weeks it has been too hot to do anything outside. especially, too hot to play in the circle after nap time. so we were very happy to enjoy a popsicle on the porch with our buds again, yesterday.

sass is becoming a pro at big wheel races in the street.

little noey is becoming a pro at walking. yay noey!

he was already a pro at being cute.

Speaking of becoming a pro, gracie started back up at dance class last night. she was super excited to go and let me just say, i am so proud of how well adjusted she is. a few (when i say a few i mean, FIVE!) kids had a hard time leaving their mommas to join the class. not my sass!

she walked right in, found her star and never looked back! in fact in between these pictures she was telling me to leave hahaha. i had to sneak this last picture because i was embarrassing her :).

happy thursday!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

first, first day of school

my baby girl is officially a preschooler....

surprisingly it wasn't sad at all. she was so excited that is was hard not to smile with her.

i didn't shed a single tear. there was no sadness that my baby is well not a baby anymore, just pride beaming from corey and i as she hugged us goodbye and jumped right in to play with the other kiddos.

i can't help but feel proud of who she has become in her short 3 years. she is smart and funny and the sassiest little i know.

gracie, i love you and i am so proud of everything you are.


Thursday, September 2, 2010


sometimes, my life is crazy.

sometimes, my kids are sick and we are home bound for 5 days.
Photo on 2010-09-02 at 16.52 #2

sometimes, when my kids are sick they keep me up all night with fevers and and upset tummys, then wake up at 6:30am.
Photo on 2010-09-02 at 16.52 #4

sometimes, i want to put myself in timeout so i can have ten minuetes of alone time.
Photo on 2010-09-02 at 16.53

sometimes, i mean always i love my crazy, unglamorous, exciting life.
4-up on 2010-09-02 at 16.49 #5

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

fun and exciting stuff right here!!!

first of all tonight we have our very first "parent night," at sassy's preschool.

i can't believe my baby is starting preschool next week.

she is so excited it is taking almost all of the sting out of her being a big girl. she asks me every morning, "is today september seven? my first day of school?" literally, she has asked me this since she received a letter in the mail from her teacher, a month ago.

it's ok though it is sweet and cute, just like her. i hope she is always this excited about school. hahaha i know i am laughing too.

i started a new blog for my brand, spanking, new photography business! check it out here and don't forget to follow and to tell your friends to follow, if you please!

happy wednesday!