Monday, May 31, 2010

pictures of my littles

today for the first time since i received my beloved camera, cannon eos rebel t1i, corey and i took the littles to a location to get some photos of them. gracie was a total champ. she posed and smiled and gave me her best model faces.

i love that girl.

noey, on the other hand in true noey fashion would only give us his signature "scrunch" face.

i love him and his "scrunch" face.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bamboletta Dolls

have you ever heard of these dolls?

They are so freaking cute. just look...

gracie wants the one that is top left.

the problem is that they are all hand made so they can only release so many at a time. and when they are released they go fast and i mean fast. i was wondering if anyone knew of a different way to get them or of a similar doll.

Thank god its friday

i am so happy it's friday. i am so ready to have corey's help all weekend, plus monday woot woot! we have alot planned this weekend. it will not be the least bit relaxing but hopefully it will be tons of fun.

yesterday, we were stuck at home because we had direct tv here hooking up dvr. gracie wanted to paint so i set her up on the back deck. then when i wasn't watching for a second guess, who got into the paint?

after gracie saw noah's idea of art she had to try.

little stinkers...

after naps we played in the circle like always.

noah is totally over hangin' in his stroller while the older kids play. he thinks he is so cool.

happy friday!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Random Tuesday....

1. love this kid. even though sometimes she makes me so crazy i want someone to put me in time-out.

2. my kiddies and the neighbor kids have taken to sitting on my front porch to drink juice/eat popsicles. loving it!

3. noey loves to swim.

4. gracie, who has never ever given us any bed time trouble is suddenly impossible to put down at night. last night it took two hours to get her to bed!! what the heck?

5. i have a ton of shows waiting for me on dvr but have no time to watch them.

6. i need to develop new pictures. the last time i did was when noah was three months old.

7. i need all new make-up. i have absolutely no make-up. any suggestions?

getting into the grove

summer is in full swing over here. we went swimming today for the first time at my mom's pool and it was glorious.

my parents pool is the best swim club in the world. its free. i keep all my pool supplies, swim diapers, floaties, sunscreen and suits at my moms so when we decide to go, we just go. my mom always has food and drinks, also free. i have five brothers and a sister (have i ever mentioned that?) so there is always and i mean always someone there to help wrangle the kids, do potty runs and sit inside with a baby that has had enough of the sun. also, my mom (aka gaga) is a school nurse so she is home all summer!

we have so many good times in store for us this summer i can hardly stand it. lots of popsicles on the front porch with the neighbor kids, black feet from running barefoot on the blacktop, grilling cheeseburgers and hot dogs long past normal dinner time because your having to much fun to stop and make supper and catching fireflies in the back yard in pj's.

i am hoping to make up for the lack of fun that was had last summer because half of it i was hugely pregnant and the other half i was recovering from a c-section. poor gracie. and by gracie i mean me ;) by the look on her face i think she has forgiven me.


follow me back tuesday

this lady is hosting, "follow me back tuesday" which is a great way to find new blogs and get more followers for your own blog. so click on the link below and join the fun!

BWS tips  button

we are going swimming today at my momma's. i will post later about the events of the day.

i feel like i am playing hooky because my house is a wreck and my laundry is stacked three feet tall.

oh well, i am sure it will all be here waiting for me when i get back.

for now though i am off to enjoy my little fishes!

happy tuesday!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sweet summer

summer is back. we couldn't be happier over here at the paff's. i love summer. the warm temperatures, sleeping with the windows open, my babies covered in coppertone and their sun kissed cheeks. everything is better in the summer. everything.

today we took advantage of the warm weather and went to meet our buds
and finn.

oh and their momma came too who happens to be my bud, surprising i know.

so anyway we decided to go over to a local park that has a sprinkler thingy playground (sorry i don't know that name for those things). however, being amazing plan ahead mommy's we neglected to check and see if the sprinkler thingy was open. it wasn't. whoops!

we decided to play at the regular park.

it was a little steamy so we decided happy meals and the sprinkler in my front yard would be a better idea.

we mommy's redeemed ourselves, for sure. especially with finny and noey. they loved it.

aren't those two just delicious? i can barely stand it.

oh and i almost forgot this lady is giving away a BOBA baby carrier and a SLEEPY WRAP. so scoot on over there and enter to win. i love my sleepy wrap and if you have a baby you need one!

ok, i am off to the gym. i have been slacking since vaca and i am getting mushy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rainy day pictures

Ok, so i am exhausted and still hungover from going out last night and as god as my witness i will never drink again!!! no seriously, never. drinking. again.

anyway, here are some pictures i took yesterday while we were trapped inside because of the rain.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


i left my camera at my mom and dads on sunday. it's thursday and i still am yet to go pick it up.

needless to say i am going through picture taking withdraw. when i think about all the moments i've missed over the past four days i get a little teary.

i am getting it back today. oh the creative wheels in my head are spinning out of control with ideas for cute pictures of my littles to make up for the lost time.

speaking of cute pictures, any ideas on websites/blogs where i can get cute idesa for shots of a brother and sister?

i am planning on dressing my kids up and taking some formal pics of them. if you can believe it i have never done this!!

prepare for a post of just photos from my joyous reunion with my love, my CANON EOS REBEL T1I!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Random Tuesday....

1. my babies are watching curious george.

2. we haven't had any activities planned the past two days. so we stayed home and chilled out. it was amazing.

3. both kids took 3hr naps today woot woot!!

4. LOST is almost over and i am sad :(

5. this is gracie the day she was born.


still one of my favorite photos of her ever.

6. i lost 3lbs while on vacation. i have no idea how it happened. i ate poorly and never worked-out. it was a vacation miracle!!

7. gracie is officially signed up for dance class. she will start this summer. i don't know who is more excited, gracie or me.

8. noah just had a full on, "throw yourself on the ground, scream as loud as you can," temper tantrum because i wont let him eat tissues. he is ummm..... different.

101 posts! and some new fun ideas...

i can't believe that this is my 101st post. even more unbelievable people actually read them ha!

thank you for reading about our life and listening to me brag/complain it has been lots of fun and hopefully the next 101 will be even better!

i am going to start doing a couple theme days.

first, tuesday will be random day where i will just write about random things i love/love not so much, things we are doing about to do etc...

wednesday will be wordless wednesday (idea from this lady) where i will post a single picture no caption most likely ever pic will be of my kids. deal with it.

i am excited about having a little structure to my blog schedule and i hope y'all (just felt a little country) like it and if you don't well to bad! but no, seriously if you have any ideas please share i love comments. don't be shy!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

back to life, back to reality

this is what was waiting for me when i returned from vacation.

sorry about the awesome quality. i took this with my iphone

i can't put off doing laundry anymore. we are almost out of underwear oops!

you know what though, i did laundry everyday while we were on vacation! so how in the world can it be that i have so much laundry to do? {{{sigh}}}

i guess its true, a mothers work is never done.

i will just keep looking at my vacation photos and pretend i am back on the beach.


oh vacation, why'd you have to go and be over so soon? i miss you.
love, me