Tuesday, August 31, 2010

camera neglect

my camera (to the delight of my children) has been neglecting my babies lately.

well not anymore!!

i am vowing to get back to taking at least one picture a day, of my babes.

right now my kids are sick. so the pictures wont be to exciting, today.

i think they are still cute even when they are feeling under the weather.




oh and p.s. i just started using lightroom 3 in addition to photoshop to edit my pictures. so bare with me as i get into a new groove.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

whip em' out!

i saw this here and i absolutely loved it!

i breast fed my babies and even though it was so hard it was an all around, amazing experience and i kinda miss it :(.

i know not everyone is able/wanting to breastfeed which is wonderful, to each his own right? but if you are about to have a baby and are on the fence, just try it.....you wont regret it, i promise!

Friday, August 27, 2010


today will be a good day. starting with a morning showing of, "bambi," hot coffee for me and cold, juicy cups for my littles.

we have errands to run and instead of being stressed we are going to take our time and enjoy the beautiful weather.

tonight, i get to go out on the town with some of my best girls for one of my besties bachelorette party, YaY!! this is the beautiful bride to be.

we have been friends since freshman year of high school. when we used to have to (don't read this mom) sneak beers and figure out ways around our curfews. i love that girl.

as you all know, i had my very first shoot for tea and lemonade yesterday. it couldn't have gone better. here is a sneak peak of the cutie i spent an hour with in the park.

happy friday!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

yadda, yadda, yadda,

1. i have my first shoot this afternoon for tea and lemonade | children's photography! i am so excited and maybe a teeny, tiny bit nervous.

2. here is a picture of my baby testing out a black back drop for me. it isn't a great picture he was not amused, but i think this back drop will do the trick for nakey shots of newborns!

3. i am going to make banana bread this morning....hopefully

4. i worked out with my trainer on tuesday. we did arms. my abs are unbelievably sore. what the heck?

5. gracie is cute.

happy thursday!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

so you do like to get your picture take.....

since i received my camera last year from my wonderful hubby, i take on average 100 pictures of my babies a day. i know i am crazy.

gracie, tolerates me every now and then but mostly she protests any sort of photography.

imagine my surprise when she plopped her self down at the restaurant we were at on friday night and said, "mommy take my picture."

after i picked my jaw up off the floor and made her repeat her request to make sure i wasn't hearing things, she proceeded to give me her best model poses....


i love that kid.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

daddy plays soccer?

yesterday, gracie and i went to watch corey play in his high school alumni game.

my little brother came over to sit with noey, since he goes to bed at 7pm and the game started at 7pm. so it was, "just the girls," as gracie says.

gracie, was super excited to watch daddy play.

her only complaint was that she couldn't go sit with him on the bench.

corey, did however bring her out for a minuet so she could give him a good luck hug and i could snap some pics.:)
love these two.

happy saturday!

Friday, August 20, 2010

miss this

sad story: my baby boy got his first pair of shoes the day before he hurt his leg. :(


he still won't walk or stand on his leg.

i am missing his little feet in his big boy shoes.....

test model

recently, i have been getting asked to take pictures of different people i know and love. i am super excited about it because i would love to start my own photography business (most likely children's photography).

anyway, i decided to take my favorite little model, sass, to test a location i saw in my neighborhood. i only got a few shots because a.) noah was in the car by himself and b.) i bribed sassy with donuts and lemonade and she was anxious for me to pay up!


if you are interested in getting some free pics of your littles taken so i can practice and build my portfolio email me at - paff.joanna@gmail.com

happy friday!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

broken **UPDATE**

my little bubby, i am happy to report is doing a tad better!

he won't walk or put pressure on his little leg but he is crawling and playing!!

he hasn't had pain meds in 12hrs and he is doing well.

the doctor called last night and said he couldn't find anything on is x-rays and if he is feeling even a tiny bit better, not worse we can hold out on the hospital.

woot woot!!!

keep sending good thoughts and warm wishes.

we aren't out of the woods yet but we can at least see the sun...

another photo challenge

it's a beautiful life! is having a photo challenge titled, signature face.

here is my entry...

sassy's signature, "please stop taking my picture face." runny nose and all!!

Check it out!

Monday, August 16, 2010


my baby.

my sweet little angel boy

hurt his leg today. it may be broken :(.

the incident involved a slide, and shoes sticking to said slide. that's all i can type with out getting nauseous....

the p.a. couldn't see anything obvious on his xrays this afternoon. but they are telling me that more often then not, toddlers will have what is called a "toddler fracture" which is so small (but a fracture all the same) it wont show up on films. so we are going to wait and see how he is in 48hrs. if he still wont put any weight on it and he is crying wait i mean SCREAMING like today he will have to get a cast.

typing that makes me cry. i have a broken heart to match his leg. to bad they don't make prescription pain pills for that.

please say a little prayer or whatever you do, for my bubby.
new favorite

Saturday, August 14, 2010

third times a charm.... i hope

yes i know "give it up already joanna!"

whatever here i go again....

photo challenge over at the paper mama : orange


The Paper Mama

{{{{{fingers crossed}}}}}

festival fun

were we live in cincinnati, the "thing" to do on the weekends in the summer is to go to the various catholic parish festivals. last night we went to our favorite one. we met up with our cousins and some friends. the company plus kiddie rides, kiddie games and of course beer made for a great friday night on the westside.

noah is so cool. he wears his sunglasses at night.


cutie nicolas

we love us some jackie. his momma and i think noah and jack look like bros.


anyboday else notice gracie and i making the same face? anybody?


happy saturday!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

lovin' and wantin'

here are a few things i am loving or wanting right now.


my sass' sweet face when she is singing a song.

noey's chubber cheeks. he is delicious.


this 24-70mm lens for my camera.

necklace by lisa leonard designs. me likey.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


before i go on with the post, gracie would like me to state for the record that while she does love miles very much, her heart belongs to her boyfriend brady. who she says, she will marry when they,"grow bigger."

ok, now that we have that straightened out.

this is gracie and noah's cousin miles.

we always have fun with miles.

even though gracie and miles fight like cats and dogs sometimes. i know they love eachother.

i hope they are buds forever.

Monday, August 9, 2010


today is corey's 25th birthday.

he is the cutest, smartest, best 25yr old i know.

i asked gracie what we should do for daddy's special day she said, "lets go pet puppies!"

happy birthday daddy i hope all your wishes come true.

i hope your wishes include petting puppies and eating chicken nuggets because that is what today holds for you!

love you baby.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

try, try, try again

maybe, just maybe, i will win this time. fingers crossed....

the paper mama photo challenge: water


check it out!
The Paper Mama

Gracie says part 4


me: gracie, i love you to the moon.
gracie: i love you to the sun mommy
aunt kate/my sister/gracies bf: gracie, i love you too.
gracie: kate, i love you as much as the sun and the moon....and a dog.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


i have discovered the wonder that is the pioneer woman's photo shop actions.


someone help me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

paper mama: photo challenge

what - photo challenge: buddies

where -
The Paper Mama

my entry -

best buds since birth.