It's bad.
I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to get into the show with Corey. I hadn't seen the show from the beginning though and I would just get confused and stop watching.
Then, one of our friends gracefully let Corey borrow his season one DVDs, so Corey could get caught up before the 6th Season started. So last week while I was sick, I decided to pass the time by popping those bad boys in. Boy I wish I hadn't....not really.
I am now on season two and holy moly is this show involved! I find myself hanging on every word, every shifty eye, because you never know if it could have a double meaning.
Before I was into the show I favored Sawyer.

Can you blame me? He is dreamy. His jerky-ness has ruined him for me though, boo...
It's Ok though, really it is , because now I have a new favorite.

Sayid... Lets all take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is Sayid.......... Ok, I'm done. Sorry. Seriously though, look at him that is one bad mamma jamma, if ya ask me. Plus, he was so sweet with Shannon. Which by the way I am still pissed that she was killed.
Ok that is all. Just wanted you to know LOST is bad ass and you should watch. Now if you'll excuse me I have some episodes to watch......
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