I hope to use the opportunity to really get to know Jonah and be a better bigger brother to him. I often feel bad that he came around after the 3 other brothers had grown up. When I was going to college, he was only 9, so it was tough to be on the same level or teach him "older brother" things that my brothers taught me. I have always considered myself the closest brother to him, since we have the most in common (mainly video games). I occasionally used to play video games (starcraft) with him and a few of my friends. He absolutely loved it and meant the world to him, but we of course got older and all moved on to college and then different cities. Then I of course started my family and had even less time to play games or spend time with him. It makes me sad that it takes a course like this to make me see how we have grown apart overtime, but at least it opened my eyes and will hopefully get me off my butt to make it happen.
If you know me at all, you know that I am a pretty passionate person. I had always seen myself as someone who could fix any problem and help anyone out when they had a problem. I hate when people are sad and HATE when someone doesn't like me, for some strange reason. So while I was sitting in this class today, I was wondering how I ended up just sitting behind a desk building websites? I always saw myself changing people's lives, but I guess a lot of people see themselves doing that or wanting to do that. I thought I would be maybe a psychologist or something like that where I could help people figure out their problems. Maybe I was just called to be an awesome dad and to give my kids the best life they can have. Or maybe I am just on a detour right now and will eventually find my way into a career that helps change lives on a daily basis.
I don't know, maybe it is just a high from being talked to by someone in a career that really touches people's lives each and every day. Do you feel like this all the time too? Do you feel like you should be doing more with your life and should be changing people's lives or helping people that need help?
Speaking of Jonah, the Autism walk is coming up again. This year I hope to be more involved and get more friends to come and walk with us. It is only one morning and we usually are done by noon. It just means so much to Jonah. I think he likes the walk day more than his own birthday. It is the one day that he knows people are there to support him and he truly feels loved. He has a huge smile on his face the entire day. So if anyone would like to join us in the fun this year, then join our team! If you just want to give a little money and not walk with us, then just click here!
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