My dearest Noah, even though sometimes the spotlight is not on you I want you to know I adore you. You are my guy. I just want to hug and kiss your chubby cheeks every second of the day. Most nights I go to bed with a sore jaw because all day long I am clenching my teeth to keep from biting you. You can't blame me though because you are just so, so.....delicious.
I just can't believe that before I knew you were a boy I used to tell people I only wanted girls. That I loved girls and they were the best. I had no idea how much I could love a boy so much, my boy. I still think girls rule of course. However, Noah you rule my heart now and forever.
Too cute! I was reading this thinking it was Corey that posted that and I just sat there like woah, never saw this side of Corey :) haha