here is my secret...
so gracie has proven to me time and time again that she is indeed not ready to be without an afternoon nap. but she just wasn't tired enough to lay down by 1pm which is noah's nap time. we spent many a stressful afternoon crying (she and i), battling, bribing over nap time. so this week i have been conducting an experiment. after i put noey down at one, i give grace an hour of my full attention we play, laugh and snuggle on the couch while watching her princess movie of choice. after our hour of fun is over which is usually between 2-2:30pm, i lay her down for a little "rest time." and knock on wood it works!!!! she has been napping for an hour and a half to two hours!! which is perfect because noey god love him, gives me at least 3hrs sometimes 4 everyday so they wake up around the same time.
lord have mercy it has been amazing to have my time back. what do i use my free time for you might wonder. do i clean, read, catch up on my reality tv obsession? no, i nap! there i said it. that's right i nap when my kids nap. don't judge i know i should do other things but oh my i love to get in my bed in the middle of the day and rest my eyes for an hour or so. its just what i need to recharge so i can get right back to chasing my lovies the rest of the day.
hopefully i didn't jinx myself by sharing. that would be devastating, to say the least.
that's it. happy friday!
one rested momma
I'm jealous you can get her to nap. I think it's a brilliant idea to give Grace "an hour of my full attention". That helps us with Harper, when we remember to do it. :)