i am the momma to two wonderfully, perfect kiddos
sassy aka gracie
noey baby aka noah
i am extremely fortunate that my hubby is able to support us on his salary alone so that i can be home with our babies. i absolutely love being a stay-at-home mom. i blog about the fabulous and the not so fabulous parts of being a stay-at-home mom or, "my life in sweats."
this is a post from this past april that i wrote about being a momma. it pretty much sums up my blog and my life for that matter.
I love being a mom. It is hands down the best job I have ever had. It is truly the honor of my life to be Gracie and Noah's Mother.
That being said sometimes this blessed job is so hard I feel like I am crawling to the finish line at the end of the day. But when you cross the finish line this is your reward.
So you start the race again just hoping not only that you finish but that you cross that line fists pumping without one single bead of sweat. Today will be that day...I hope.
Please have another baby!