Thursday, February 4, 2010


Sorry it took me so long to get this post up. I had the flu.

Anyway, So Chicago was amazing! It was so nice to have 72 uninterrupted hours with my hubby. We haven't been alone that long since we had Gracie.

It was also nice to go out and act like a normal 24 year old for a weekend. We stayed out till 3am both nights. We ate great food, hung out with some cool people and consumed way to much alcohol.

Here are some pictures that I took at a 1am on Saturday. I don't know how many beers and shots in we were, maybe you can.....


  1. hahahahaha, that is great, I haven't even seen this pictures yet ... I didn't know we took any ... glad someone got the camera out.

    My guess this post was so short because you just wanted to go to bed or you were too busy with the babies. Either way, I liked it.

  2. ps: if you didn't pick it up, that was Chung and Ivan I was with ... per my previous post
