Friday, August 20, 2010

test model

recently, i have been getting asked to take pictures of different people i know and love. i am super excited about it because i would love to start my own photography business (most likely children's photography).

anyway, i decided to take my favorite little model, sass, to test a location i saw in my neighborhood. i only got a few shots because a.) noah was in the car by himself and b.) i bribed sassy with donuts and lemonade and she was anxious for me to pay up!


if you are interested in getting some free pics of your littles taken so i can practice and build my portfolio email me at -

happy friday!


  1. You can take pictures of my girls any time ;)

  2.'re a few steps ahead of me. I'll be doing more portrait sessions this fall, but I'm taking one step at a time. Don't want to get too far ahead of myself.

  3. She's a cutie! I don't have any kids yet but I will keep you in mind when I do! I love photography!
