Wednesday, October 13, 2010


so this post might be a little vain but i don't care. this is my blog anyway and i can post whatever i want. am i right or am i right?

ok, so every week my babies and i have lunch with my grandparents at a popular greasy spoon on the west side of cincinnati (name that restaurant!). any way, this particular eatery is very popular among those "advanced" in the age department :). and every week i just love how these folks respond to my babies.

they love them!

because we are regulars, my kids know most of the costumers and workers. when i see the smiles on the faces of those people when my babies wave high or give them high fives, it makes me so proud. so proud to be the momma of these beautiful souls, who literally put smiles on everyone's face, even if it is just a wave hello.

it makes me think corey and i should populate the world with our little lovies. i may be a little bi-est but i think it would make for a wonderful world.

happy wednesday!


  1. Trying to guess that restaurant! Price hill chili? Ron's roost? Anymore hints? I may be completely off here....

  2. HAHAHHAHAHHHA Oh my Joanna. I really laughed so hard at this. You don't need to convince anyone but your husband that more babies are in order. :)
