Thursday, April 15, 2010


1. My house is a complete disaster right now. I have been neglecting my wifely duties so I can play in the circle with my babies. Sorry Corey.

2. I did something last night that is super secret. I can't talk about it. So stop asking, OK!

3. Corey and I are helping out with benefit tomorrow that is raising money for Walk Now for Autism Speaks, in honor of his brother Jonah. We love Jonah.

4. Gracie is obsessed with this book

5. We are on the hunt for this one

She claims she NEEDS it.

6. I love me some Regis and Kelly and Coffee in the Morning. It completes me.

7. Corey and I are taking the babies to Sesame Street Live on Saturday, YAY! We took Gracie last year and she loved it. I hope Noey likes it much as his sister.

Happy Thursday


  1. Our team page is ... so come and join!

  2. I am sure the Blue Manatee has it, and if they don't they will order it. If you go let me know and we can meet you there.

  3. Annie what is Blue Manatee? Also, we will probably go to the library to find it. Gots to save that money honey!!!
